Using the Breadcrumb to edit Table Properties

The Breadcrumb Trail makes edited and changing tables much easier than trying to select them in the design area.

The breadcrumb is situated at the bottom of the editor.

The breadcrumb is situated at the bottom of the editor.

Breadcrumbs work from left to right with the main table being the far left breadcrumb and the inner tables working their way to the right.


Selecting the main table

Selecting the main table
  1. When a ‘TABLE’ is clicked within the breadcrumb the table in the editor is highlighted in yellow so you can easily see which table you are editing.

Once the table has been selected you can edit various properties of that table.

Editing your table

Editing your table
  1. Width - set the width of your table in either pixels or % e.g. 600px, 100% etc.
  2. Height - set the height of your table in either pixels or % e.g. 150px, 400px etc.
  3. Spacing -set spacing to your table.
  4. Padding - set padding to your table.
  5. Border color - set border color of your table.
  6. Border Width - set the border width of your table.
  7. Alignment: set your table alignment e.g. top centre
  8. Background: if you wish for your table to have a background color set it here.
  9. Table properties - clicking on this icon brings up a screen with an overview of your table properties.
  10. Classname - if you would like to apply a CSS class to a particular table in your email, set it here..

Removing an Element

Removing an Element
  1. You are also able to remove elements from your design, for example removing a table within a table using the breadcrumbs, by selecting an element from the bread crumb and clicking 'remove element'. In the example above this will remove the table in the center of the outer table from your design.

WARNING: If you remove the element from the far left table, your whole email will be removed. In this case if 'Ctrl-Z' does not reverse your action, 'Snapshot Manager' should help retrieve a previously saved version of your design.


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