The Editor Standard Toolbar - Top Menu Icons

Along the top of the Email Editor are a the Content Buttons, each one is explained here.

Content Buttons (top line)

Content Buttons (top line)
  1. Toggle Full Screen Mode (F11) - This allows you to switch between full screen mode and normal screen mode.
  2. Save - this allows you to save your work when in full screen mode.
  3. Spell Check - checks the spelling within the text of your email.
  4. Spam Check - this checks the text of your email for words or phrases that are often deemed as spam.
  5. Print (CTRL+P) - click this to print a copy of your email.
  6. Find & Replace (CTRL+F) - allows you to find & replace words within the text of your email.
  7. Cut
  8. Copy
  9. Paste from Word
  10. Paste from word and strip font
  11. Paste Plain Text
  12. Paste as HTML
  13. Format Stripper
  14. Undo (CTRL+Z)
  15. Redo (CTRL+Y)
  16. Image Manager (CTRL+G)
  17. Image Map Editor
  18. Embed Image
  19. Content Image
  20. Hyperlink Manager (CTRL+K)
  21. Remove Link (CTRL+SHIFT+K)
  22. Bold, Italic and Underline Buttons
  23. Alignment options
  24. Indent and Outdent options
  25. Number list and Bullet list options

Content Buttons (bottom line)

Content Buttons (bottom line)
  1. Foreground Colour
  2. Back Ground Colour
  3. Colour Converter
  4. Strikethrough
  5. Subscript
  6. Superscript
  7. New Paragraph
  8. Insert Table
  9. Show/Hide Border
  10. Insert Form Element
  11. Insert Symbol
  12. Insert iFrame
  13. Font NAme
  14. Size
  15. Real Font Size
  16. Apply CSS Class
  17. Paragraph Style
  18. Custom Links
  19. Zoom
  20. Module Manager


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