How to remove the underline from a link

When you create a link it will automatically become underlined.

Underlined Link

This often needs to edited in the HTML code of the email.

Switch to HTML view

Switch to HTML view

Switch to the HTML view using the option at the bottom of the editor. so that you can see the HTML code of the email.

Finding your link

Using CTRL+F find your link text, (in this example it is Visit our Website) within the HTML code.

The beginning of a link will look something like this:

<A href="{CONTENT lz.aspx?p1='{Content/EMailLink}{Content/CampaignCode}&amp;w=8177&amp;cID=0&amp;cValue=1" CampaignURL} ?>Visit our Website</A>

You will need to enter the following code (in red) into the link so it looks like this:

<A style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" href="{CONTENT lz.aspx?p1='{Content/EMailLink}{Content/CampaignCode}&amp;w=8177&amp;cID=0&amp;cValue=1" CampaignURL} ?>Visit our Website</A>

Edited Link

Your edited link will look something like this.

Switch back to design view

Switch back to design view

Switch back to design view to check that your underline has now been removed.


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