Initiate Check Screen

The Initiate Check Screen is designed to help you get the best from your campaigns, helping to spot any common mistakes that may affect the success of your email. This check screen is broken down into 5 sections:

  • Check Campaign
  • Post Campaign Tracking
  • Campaign Audience
  • Check Email(s)
  • Initiate Campaign

Note: Some checks that are shown are notes or warnings. You will still be able to send your campaign even if these warnings appear. However, some are 'stop' errors, and must be resolved before the campaign can be initiated.



1. Check Campaign

1. Check Campaign

This is the first set of checks that you will need to review. These warnings/notes are purely about the campaign setup itself:

  1. This indicates the campaign name.
  2. This is the campaign type.
  3. This indicates how long the campaign is live for.
  4. This states the initial start and end date of the campaign.
  5. The sender email address.
  6. The reply address.
  7. The unsubscribe that is attached to the campaign.
  8. This indicates whether a send to a friend is attached to the campaign.
  9. This states whether a HTML test email has been sent.
  10. This states whether a TEXT  test email has been sent.
  11. This shows whether an Inbox Checker has been run.
  12. This shows whether any follow-ups are attached to the campaign.

2. Check Landing Zone

2. Check Landing Zone

This is the second set of checks that you will need to review checking your landing zones.

  1. Identifies the Name of landing zone
  2. Does the landing zone have an unsubscribe link
  3. Identifies the reference number of landing zone
  4. Identifies if the landing zone has content
  5. Identifies if there are test links in the landing zone
  6. Identifies if there are tracked links in your landing zone
  7. Identifies if the landing zone requires authentication

3. Post Campaign Tracking

3. Post Campaign Tracking

This is the third set of checks that you will need to review.

  1. When creating tracked links within your creative email design, you have the ability to track these links within Google Analytics using UTM values. This section indicates whether your links are Google Analytics enabled.
  2. GatorLeads is CommuniGator’s website tracking software which allows you to track who is on your website and what content they are looking at in real time.This section shows whether GatorLeads is enabled for your campaign.

4. Campaign Audience

4. Campaign Audience

This is the fourth set of checks that you will need to review.

The audience in a campaign determines who will receive the email. This check screen will identify which gator group you have attached to the campaign and how many contacts are included in the group.

Note: You also have the ability to recount the audience to make sure that the contact count is correct. We would recommend this as a quick check to make sure the right group is attached. 

5. Check Email(s)

5. Check Email(s)

This is the fifth set of checks that you will need to review. These warnings/notes are purely about the creative email itself:

  1. This indicates the creative email name.
  2. This shows the subject line attached to the campaign.
  3. This indicates whether a HTML email has been created.
  4. This indicates whether a TEXT  email has been created.
  5. This shows whether an unsubscribe link has been included in the HTML version of the email.
  6.  This shows whether a survey link has been included in the HTML version of the email.
  7. This indicates whether a send to a friend link is included in the HTML version of the email.
  8. This indicates whether you have HTML test links included in your email. (This can occur when a user copies the email/link from a test email back into the creative email design. The only way to remove these are by locating the creative email, removing the links, and re-inserting them using the Insert Web Link Icon).
  9. This identifies whether you have included Tracked links within your creative email design.
  10. This shows whether you have Non-Tracked links included in your HTML creative email design. (Non-Tracked links will not appear in the campaign results).
  11. This identifies whether your HTML email contains articles.
  12. This identifies if your text email has an unsubscribe link.
  13. This identifies if your text email has a survey link.
  14. This identifies if your text email has a send to a friend link.
  15. This identifies if your text email has test links.
  16. This identifies if your text email has non-tracked links.

6. Initiate Campaign

6. Initiate Campaign

If you are happy with the results of the previous checks, then you are ready to initiate the campaign. This gives you the option to go ahead and initiate the campaign, or to revert back to the campaign details.



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