An unubscribe is a means to exclude contacts from your campaigns should the recipient want to stop receiving emails from you.
The unsubscribe can be setup to instantly change the contact preference, or it could require a confirmation. Unsubscribes can use Landing Page pages or a Survey. If using Groups, the Unsubscribe can set a contact to be excluded from that group only.
Pro tip; Why not set up a Preference Centre to offer subscription changes to several mailing preferences? You can then give people the option to only receive emails from you which are related to certain topics, reducing your unsubscribe rate and providing a better experience for your audience.
Please be careful when editing the unsubscribe values, as doing so incorrectly can have catastrophic consequences. For example, you could end up emailing people that have previously unsubscribed.
- Click here to add a new Unsubscribe.
- Click here to use the filter search option.
- Click here to remove the filter/search you applied.
- Clicking a letter will show you all Unsubscribes that start with that letter.
- This is the name of the Unsubscribe.
- Click here to delete the Unsubscribe.
Unsubscribe Details
This section allows you to set up your unsubscribe process. The page consists of the Unsubscribe Details, Unsubscribe Page Details and Opt-in details:
- Enter the name of the unsubscribe. This is for your reference only and can be changed at any time.
- You have the option to add a description of the unsubscribe.
Unsubscribe Page details
You can choose how you would like the unsubscribe feature to work. With Landing Pages, you can select just one (instant unsubscribe), or two pages (confirmation and then unsubscribe). With a survey, you can ask questions to find out why someone is unsubscribing. (this example demonstrates how the Landing Page feature works).
- Select the Landing Page page that you would like to use. The first Landing Page page is where you would insert the unsubscribe link and text to go with it. If you are creating a preference centre, you would select the Landing Page that has all of the different fields for a contact to select.
- Select the Landing Page page that you would like to use as a confirmation that the user has successfully unsubscribed/updated their preferences.
Opt In Details
- Select the unsubscribe field that you would like to use - this is typically set as 'Opt-in'. If you use a different field to manage your unsubscribes you will need to select the relevant field.
- Enter the Opt-in value. This is simply a way for the system to tell if someone has unsubscribed; ie, T for opted in, F for opted out. We recommend using T and F as they are easy-to-understand defaults.
- The 'Include Null as Opt-in' value gives you the option to tell CommuniGator how to treat contacts who do not have a T or F specified, as covered in point 7. This is handy as it means you only have to update people who have unsubscribed.
- 'Include blank entries as Opt-in' means if the field is blank then the contact will be opted in. If not selected it means the contact will be opted out, meaning if you do not have a value in the contact record then they will not receive the communication.
- If a contact has clicked on the unsubscribe link and completed the unsubscribe process, the value specified here will be set to the 'Unsubscribe Field'.
'Unsubscribe From Group Only' means a contact would only be set as excluded from the mailed group, and if they are included in any other groups they will still be set as subscribed. By default, this is set as No. If it is set as No, it means that the contact will be unsubscribed from every campaign that uses this unsubscribe process.