Quick Campaign: user guide
Campaign Select
New Campaign
When you create a new campaign, you have two options.
- Quick Campaign you can only copy a quick campaign. You cannot copy normal campaigns to new quick campaigns.
- Normal Campaign
Campaign select grid
The grid has new icons which show the campaign type. Will either be quick campaign, normal campaign or gator express.
If a campaign has been created in CRM or externally to GatorMail. When the user clicks on the campaign, a popup will appear and ask the user to select which type of campaign they want the campaign to be.
Quick Campaign
The quick campaign is a campaign wizard. You can only go to each page if you have complete page validation. You can go back on any page but only forward if you have completed the requirements of the page.
The top bar acts a navigation to the user. They can either click the next or previous buttons to go back or forward or use the breadcrumb bar at the top in the middle of the page.
In the breadcrumb bar the current page is highlighted in bold and greyed out. The next or previous page pages are hightlighted in Green and are clickable. Any other page if greyed out and is not clickable.
If you have visited and completed every page you can navigate to any page as long as you don’t invalidate the page.
Set Up
This is the first page of the wizard.
Campaign Details
- Campaign Name Setup the campaign
- Subject Line Setup the subject line for the campaign. This is done before you attach the email. This is a required field and requires an input from the user before they can continue with the wizard.
- Unsubscribe Set the unsubscribe for the campaign. If there is only one item, we disable the drop down.
- Send to a friend Set the send to a friend. If there is only one item, we disable the drop down. If there is no send to a friend’s setup we do not display this
- Select Approval Group The user can select the approval group used for this campaign. Only shown if approval group are setup in the instance.
Sender Details
- Action Type Set the action type of the campaign. Can only be static or refresh.
- Sender Alias Set the Sender Alias for the campaign.
- Sender Email Address From Set the sender email address for the campaign. This is required and the user must enter a sender email address before continuing.
- Reply Email Address Set the reply to Email Address. If the user enters an email address, we validate the email address to make sure it’s in the correct format.
Add Email
When the user navigates to this page for the first time they have the following options.
- New Email Create a new email. The user cannot enter a name or any option, they will be taken to GatorCreator to choose an email and design their email. The name of the email is auto generated. “Campaign Name Time and Date”. You can only create a new GatorCreator email.
- Copy Existing Copy and existing email. Can be a GatorCreator email or a GatorMail email. This will create a copy of the email and auto generate the name, “Campaign Name Time and Date”.
You cannot continue in the wizard until an email has been added to the campaign. If you try to continue you will be shown a validation message.
There is an optional folder selection where you can choose where to create or copy the new email.
When an email has been added to the campaign you will be shown the details of the email. You then have the following options.
- Preview Shows the preview modal of the email.
- Edit The user can edit the email.
- Change Email The user can change the email. When selected, they will be given the following options
- Cancel Cancel changing of the email and go back to the manage email page.
- New email Create a new email
- Copy Existing Copy and existing email
On this page, you can send a test email or a run an inbox check.
Send Test
The send test is a simplified version of the send test functionality in the advanced campaign screen.
To send a test enter a name in the recipient text box and click on send test. Both html and text versions of the email will be sent.
There is an option to select a previously send test recipient using the drop down next to the text box. When you select the selected email address is added to the textbox.
You have the option to send the test email to send forensics. This option is enabled by default. You can view the results by clicking on the “SendForensics Results” button where you will be navigated to the send forensics screen.
Inbox Check
The inbox check is a simplified version to the advanced campaign screen. You cannot select a contact to test against you just can run inbox checks.
When an inbox check has been initiated there is a time limit until you can initiate another inbox check. This was a feature added recently to the advanced campaign screen as well.
The difference of this inbox compared to the advanced campaign screen is that each inbox check is ran against the campaign email. If the user changes the campaign email no inbox check results will show until an inbox check has been initiated again.
On this page, you can set the audience for the campaign. You can only assign a group the campaign there is no selection criteria.
When you first visit the page, no group will be selected. If you try to continue, a validation message will appear informing you that you must select a group and count the audience before you continue.
When you have selected a group, you must count the audience before you continue. Based on your action type the following requirements are applicable.
1. Static You cannot continue if the final audience count is zero.
2. Refresh non-recurring You can continue if the final audience is zero, this is valid for a refresh campaign.
When you have counted the audience, the counts for the selected group will be displayed. You can export the counts by clicking on the totals names.
Whenever you change the group you must recount the audience. We do not automatically recount the audience when changing because counting the audience can take time depending on the audience count.
This page is where you setup your campaign sending schedule.
Schedule Details
- Start Date Set the start date of the campaign, this is when the campaign will start to send.
- End Date Set the end date of the campaign, this is when the campaign will stop sending. The end date cannot be before the start date. If this happens a validation message appears and you cannot continue.
Time Based Sending
You can set time based sending for the campaign, where you can make your campaign only send email during certain periods.
If time based sending is setup in the campaign defaults these values will be loaded as default. If not, no time-based settings will be set.
Click on the link to setup time based sending. A modal will window will appear where you can set the details. When you save, and close these settings are applied to the campaign.
Send (Summary)
In quick campaign, there is no initiate check screen. We show a summary of the campaign details of the quick campaign.
The summary page is split into sections.
- Campaign Details
- Subject Line
- Sender Email Address
- Reply Email Address Because this is optional if the user has not entered this a warning will be shown.
- Action Type
- Sender Alias Because this is optional if the user has not entered this a warning will be shown.
- Unsubscribe
- Send to a friend
- Approval Group this is only shown if the instance has campaign approval setup
- Email Details
- Email Name
- Test Sends Displays a warning if the user has not sent any test emails. Otherwise a total for how many tests sends are displayed. This is per campaign email so if the user changes the campaign email the total is reset.
- Inbox Checks Displays a warning if the user has not run any inbox checks. Other a total is shown. This is per campaign email so if the user changes the campaign email the total is reset.
- Audience Details
- Group
- Last count date time Shows the last time and date the audiences was counted.
- Final Audience
- Schedule
- Start Date
- End Date
- Time based sending If the user has setup time based sending they can click on the “view times” link.
To initiate the campaign there are two buttons on the page. At the top and bottom, when clicked a modal will appear asking the user to confirm they want to initiate the campaign.
Quick Campaign (initiate screen)
When the campaign has been initiated you can no longer edit the campaign. When you view the campaign via the campaign select grid you will be taken to the Initiated Campaign Summary page. This displays the summary details of the campaign.
You have the following options.
- Un-initiate - If the campaign has not started to send then you can un-iniaite the campaign. If you decide to un-initiate, then you the campaign will go back to setup mode.
- View results
You’re able to test the campaign while its sending. There is an option in the top navigation bar.
This has the same functionality as the test page from the quick campaign setup screen for both send test and inbox check.