Snapshot Manager Configuration Guide

This article describes the steps required to configure snapshot manager.

Enable Snapshot Manager

Enable Snapshot Manager

From within the instance where Snapshot Manger is to be enabled, go to tabid 100.

Enter password.

1. On the right-hand side search box enter "Snapshot" and click 'Search'.

2. For Key Name 'EnabledDisplaySavedSnapShots', click in the pencil on the right-hand side.

3. Change the Key Value from 'False' to 'True'.

Configure Snapshot Manager Options

Follow the steps above to view the Snapshot Manager options. The options available to change are:

1. Maximum number of snapshots: Change the Key Value for 'MaximumSnapshots' if more/less snapshots than the default of 10 are required.

2. Auto save time for snapshots: Change the Key Value for 'SnapshotAutosaveTime' to the desired interval. This needs to be inputted in milliseconds i.e. 10 minutes = 600,000 milliseconds.


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