Wait Stage

The wait stage pauses members for a period of time, before progressing them to the next stage in the Workflow.

All available options allow the using of Stored Values.  

For more information on using stored values, please read the following article.



There are five wait types:

  1. Wait until a time period has been reached (a number of days, hours or minutes)
  2. Wait until a date/time has passed (a date-time value with a time-zone).
  3. Wait until a time in the day has passed (a time value with a time-zone).
  4. Wait until a date constructed from date units has passed (date units available are day in month (first, last or any), day(any or Monday-Friday), month (any or January-February) and time with time-zone).
  5. Wait until the parts of a date field are matched (e.g day and/or month in any year. This can be used for anniversary dates i.e renewal dates.)

Wait until a time period has been reached

Wait until a time period has been reached

Set the number of days, hours or minutes a member should wait at this stage in a workflow, before progressing.

Advanced options available. see 'Using Stored Values'

Wait until a date/time has passed

Wait until a date/time has passed

Members in this stage will wait until a particular date and time before progressing.

  1. Set the date and time that you would like members to progress to the next stage.
  2. Set the timezone that this stage should abide to.

Wait until a time in the day has passed

Wait until a time in the day has passed

Some date logic means that members could hit a stage at the beginning of a day (midnight).  Using this 'wait' stage type you can apply further logic to wait until a particular time during the day before progressing members to the next stage.

  1. Select the time of day that you would like members to progress to the next stage.
  2. Set the timezone that this stage should abide to.


Wait until a date constructed from date units has passed

Wait until a date constructed from date units has passed

This wait period allows for the construction of dates using days of the week or months of the year. This can allow you to wait members until dates such as the following:

  • The first Monday of any month - Will set a member to wait until the next Monday that falls at the beginning of a month.
  • Any Wednesday in February - Will set a member to wait until the next Wednesday in February.
  • The last Friday of any month - Will set a member to wait until the last friday on the month.

Select the following from the dropdown lists

  1. First, Last or Any
  2. Day of the week (Sunday - Saturday) or Any
  3. Month of the year or Any
  4. The time of the day
  5. The timezone you would like the wait stage to adhere to.

Stored Values can be used within any of these parameters.  

A date part comparison is matched

A date part comparison is matched

Wait until the parts of a date field are matched e.g. day and/or month in any year. 
This wait stage allows you specify a date and time, and then cause the member to wait until particular parts of the date and time are matched.  
By setting the date as 11/12/15 you may choose to advance the member every time the day of that date is matched (the 11th any month).

This wait stage is much more powerful when used with stored values, as a stored value could hold the member's contract renewal date, or date of birth etc. By using the stored value you could query only the day and month (ignoring the year) and send an email each year on that date.

  1. Select a date and time
  2. Choose the timezone you would like the wait stage to adhere to
  3. Select the portions of the date and time you would like the system to match before progressing a member to the next stage.