Tools - Social Media Dashboard


Welcome to the new frontier. To help you get the most out of the beta program for the CommuniGator Social Dashboard (which you kindly registered for) weve put together this supporting document explaining the functionality and how you can benefit from it.

At a glance:

  • You can compare your Twitter account and Facebook Page against two competitors
  • You can keep track of multiple keywords across the social world in order to find new content and conversations
  • You can message directly to a selection of Social Networks from the dashboard
  • You can schedule messages for posting when you are out of the office (or asleep)
  • You can view the activity streams from your social accounts and reply, ReTweet, Direct Msg etc based on what you see.

Getting Started

Getting Started

1) Click on the top tab Reporting

2) Second from the bottom is the Social Media Dashboard

Connecting your social accounts

Connecting your social accounts

The next step once you've created your account will be to connect the social accounts you wish to use inside the Gator platform. You may already have connected a Twitter account for tweeting out the contents of your email campaigns but the Social Dashboard is a slightly different animal and therefore requires a separate connection / authentication.

As you enter the dashboard you'll be presented with a screen shot (see picture above).

Clicking the button will open a pop-up window requesting the login credentials for the Twitter account you wish to connect. It uses the standard OAuth authentication method provided by Twitter.

After this you’ll have the option to connect a Facebook Page and LinkedIn account if you wish although both of these are optional and can be skipped. As a word of warning, if you choose to connect a LinkedIn account, anyone that accesses the CommuniGator platform using the same login credentials as you will be able to post to your LinkedIn account through the Social Dashboard. We therefore strongly advise against connecting a personal LinkedIn account and instead create a company “personal” account.

Deciding which competitor accounts to track.

Deciding which competitor accounts to track.

Once your accounts are connected you’ll be able to specify which competitor Twitter accounts and Facebook Pages you want to track and compare yourself against. Competitor accounts for Twitter are required while competitor Facebook Pages are optional. For the competitor accounts on Twitter enter the “handle” of the account without the “@” symbol.

Adding blog RSS feeds

Adding blog RSS feeds

The step after adding your competitors provides options to add blog RSS feeds if there are specific blogs you’d like to keep track of. You’ll need to enter the full URL of the RSS feeds for those blogs, if you don’t want to add any or are unsure how to find the RSS feed URL for a blog you can skip this section.

Adding keywords to track and report on

Adding keywords to track and report on

This is followed by a series of fields where you can enter the keywords you’d like to track. These keywords will be used to populate the “Topics” and “News” areas of the Social Dashboard enabling you to find fresh new content to use in your email campaigns or talk about through your Social accounts.

Competitor Tab

Competitor Tab

Once you’ve set up your Social Dashboard you’ll be able to start navigating around and having a play with the different pieces of functionality.

The Competitors tab enables you to see the comparison between your Social accounts and those of the competitors you identified in the setup process. It can take about 20 seconds for all the data to load in this tab and there’s quite a lot of it. Below we’ve broken down the different areas.

1) Across the top you've got the name of your social account

2) The two names of your competitors social accounts i.e. SproutSocial and HootSuite

3) The score in the blue circle is from PeerIndex, a site that measures the “influence” of your account based on interactions, mentions, RTs etc. The higher the score the better (out of 100).

The  green and blue quadrants (4 & 5) is from Kred. This also has an influence on score but is measured differently.

4) The score in the green area (out of 1000) relates to the messages sent from the account and how likely they are to be shared

5) The blue score (our of 10) relates to how likely the account is to share and comment on the content from others.

6) The hand symbol relates to the number of “Likes” for any connected Facebook Page

7) The speech bubble is for “talking about” on the Facebook Pages you’ve identified

8) The person icon relates to the number of Followers on Twitter

9) The topics are pulled from PeerIndex and list the topic areas the account posts about more frequently



Competitors Tab Statistics  

Competitors Tab Statistics

1) Under the topic area is an activity graph displaying the number of posts made by the account. The Blue line demonstrates Tweets and the purple line demonstrates retweets that have been received over the past few days.

2) The percentage areas at the bottom of the Competitor Tab relate to the percentage of followers that are Fake (bots or spam accounts), inactive accounts and “good accounts”.

This section will automatically update with the latest data from the related services each time you enter the Competitor Tab.

Topic Tab

Topic Tab

The Topics tab is where you can see the content results for the keywords you entered during setup.

1) Trending for social activity

2) For any blogs you connected with RSS feeds

3) For news stories found that relate to the keywords

From this view you can reply to Tweet, ReTweet or click any links contained in the Tweets. For the “News” section, clicking any links will open the  full news story in a new browser tab / window. If you want to edit the keywords being displayed there is a little “cog” icon in the top right of each box.




Activity Tab

Activity Tab

After you’ve started posting to your Social account from inside the CommuniGator Social Dashboard the Activity Tab will start to self-populate based on that activity. Clicks are tracked, there’s a history of your activity across Twitter and your Facebook Page(if you’ve connected it) and you can see how your number of followers is growing.

The Social Dashboard

The Social Dashboard

The Social Dashboard tab is the main area of the CommuniGator Social Dashboard as it enables you to see what’s been happening in your social stream, create and schedule posts, look at mentions and DMs, perform searches and look at your follower lists.

Social Dashboard Functionality

Posting Messages (1)  

Posting Messages (1)

The posting messages option is the functionality enabling you to post messages to your connected Social profiles. If you’ve only connected your Twitter account this will default to messages posted to your Twitter account. If you’ve connected a Facebook Page or LinkedIn profile you’ll be able to select which networks to post to.

You can also schedule posts from this window by click the little click icon at the bottom. This will then present a new window where you can set the scheduled campaign, date and time. A scheduled post needs to be associated with a scheduled campaign so the system knows that you’ve “booked” it in for posting at a time in the future. You can however assign multiple posts to a schedule campaign i.e. If you want to promote an event over a period of time you can assign all the scheduled posts to the same scheduled campaign.


Posting Messages (2)

Posting Messages (2)

If you schedule a post to be part of an existing scheduled campaign the top right corner of the screen will update to display existing posts in that scheduled campaign.

When scheduling you need to select a date and time and then click the “Add Date” button before you can click the “Schedule” button. The social network icon on the right of the schedule pop-up window denotes which network the scheduled post will be sent to.

Scheduled Queue

Scheduled Queue

The 5th icon in the list that appear when in the Social Dashboard tab enables you to see the despatched and queued posts that have been created through the scheduling functionality. Here you can delete scheduled posts from the queue if you change your mind and no longer wish to post them.

Managing Campaigns

Managing Campaigns

If you wish to manage your campaigns and see all the posts that have been scheduled as part of a campaign clicking the cog icon in the top right will present an option to visit the “Campaigns” area (1) of the CommuniGator Social Dashboard.Clicking the name of the campaign will present a screen (2) containing a list of all the posts that have been scheduled as part of that campaign.


Settings &Tools

Settings &Tools

Under the “Settings & Tools” section (find by using the cog in the top right corner) you have an option to manage “Your Social Connections”. This is the place to connect and disconnect your social accounts if you’ve selected the wrong ones or need to add social accounts after skipping steps during setup.


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