Creating a Double Metric Group

Adding a New Group

Adding a New Group

Start by going to Audience > Groups and Adding a New Group.

Adding your First Rule

Adding your First Rule

Once in the group hit Add rule. This will bring up the Rule pop-up box.

The Rules Setup Pop-up

The Rules Setup Pop-up

You may want to set up the following rule. Then click add. Your first rule will now appear in the rules section

A completed rule

A completed rule

Now repeat the add rule process to add a second, third, fourth or even fifth rule. A rule can be changed at any time by pressing the pencil shown in the left.

And/Or Condition

And/Or Condition

Finally once all the rules have been added make sure your operators or conditions have been set up correctly. Using 'and' will ensure that both criteria need to be matched for a contact to be included in the group. Using 'or' will mean that a contact simply need to match one of the criteria to be included.


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