Resizing Images

In CommuniGator it is crucial that you re-size images within the image manager and not in the HTML code. The reason behind this is because different email clients interpret the HTML code differently. Some email clients will interpret the code based on the size in the HTML code, whilst other email clients will interpret the image size based on the file path. By ensuring that the image is hosted in CommuniGator and re-sized in the image editor you are over coming any potential problems.

Below is a step by step guide on how to re-size images in CommuniGator.

Step 1

Step 1

Click on the image manager in-side CommuniGator

Step 2

Locate the image that you would like to re-size

Step 3

Step 3

Once you have found the image that you would like to resize single click on the image and select Image editor.

Step 4

Step 4

This will then take you through to the Image Editor function in CommuniGator. To resize the image select the resize button (Highlighted below).

Step 5

Step 5

You then have the option to change the width and the height of the images. Once you have change the height or the width of the image click resize and this will change the size of the image.


Step 6

Step 6

The first button to the right of the size is: constrain proportions, this means if you change the height it won’t change the width of the email. The second button is the Swap Width and Height and will change the width the height and vice versa.

Step 7

You then have the option to re-name the file, if you don’t rename the image it will automatically add _thumb. Once you are happy with the size of the image and the name of the image click save.




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