The Image Editor

Nifty Images is our latest plugin exclusively for use on GatorCreator email templates.
It enables you to add personalisation to images in your email campaigns, based on mapped fields from your CRM or data held within GatorMail.

Start with your email template

First you'll need to create your email template in GatorCreator. Once you've added your images, simply click on the one you wish to personalise to begin.

Please Note: Gifs do not work as a moving image in Outlook. They appear as a still image.

1. Enables you to create an animated countdown

2. Enables you to add personalisation to your images

Create Countdown

Please note: Outlook does not support the full dynamic countdown, a static countdown that refreshes upon opening will show

Once you've selected an area to add a countdown timer to, click 'create countdown'.
A window will pop up with the options below:

  1. Select your background colour, either by adding a hex code or using the colour pallette
  2. Select a font
  3. Select your font size
  4. Select your font colour, either by adding a hex code or using the colour pallette
  5. Live preview
  6. Choose 'back' to cancel
  7. Once you have finished, click 'save'

Create Personalised Image

Once you've selected an image to personalise, click 'personalize'.
A window will pop up with the options below:

  1. Change text enables you to add your copy to the image
  2. Font style: select the font from the dropdown and size
  3. Text format: select alignment, fit, bold, italic or underline
  4. Change colour: choose your font colour using the pallette selection tool, a hex code or intelligent colour scheme selection based on your image, plus opacity
  5. Alignment: select vertical and horizontal alignments
  6. Min/Max: if you need to limit the characters in the image, you can do so here
  7. Rotate/Skew: use the adjustment tools to change the angle of your text
  8. Save when you're done (please note: you can't go back and edit your image futher at this point)
  9. Preview: check how your end result will look with personalisation added
  10. Real time preview of your image

Preview Personalised Image

Preview your image with personalisation.

  1. Type anything here to see it populate the image below
  2. Use the randomiser to populate the field in your personalised image
  3. When you're happy, click save
  4. If you want to make more changes, click 'back'