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  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023


    The conversions screen allows you to drill down into the results of a campaign. This powerful tool can have multiple rules to really get into the core of your audience. The standard setup for conversions is Sent -> Delivered -> Opens, but this can be customised to whatever matched your needs.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023

    Admin - Role Campaign

    Role Campaign is a simple piece of functionality to control the campaigns available for a role in the system. This functionality is effectively replaced by the results url option in the campaign results. The idea is you have a requirement to create a product user login, that can access only certain campaigns, therefore not seeing everything in the system.

    Please note on premise customers can set this up themselves, for hosted customers please contact your Account Manager.

    This can be done for a single campaign, or many. You would need to first create a role for this purpose, for example "Campaign X", or "Sales Campaigns". This is done under Manage Roles. Then user/s must be created where their assigned role is set to the one just created. Finally you need to use the role campaign function, selecting the appropriate role, and then choose what campaigns are available.

    Note, a user without any role campaign filtering can see all campaigns in the system. The moment a role is configured to have a role campaign filter, only those campaigns can be seen by the role.

    Warning: Do not add a role campaign filter to a standard system role as this is likely to effect all users in the system.

    This functionality is not designed to work without complete manual intervention after the campaign has been created. A user with the "Admin" role must add each campaign to the Role Campaign section as required. Only then will the filtered role here see the new campaign.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023

    Click Rates

    The Click Rates tab shows you when people have opened the email on a timeline. You can change the view settings if desired. Here is an example...

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023

    Admin - Manage Users

    This screen is only available to Admin users of the account you can view, edit add and remove the users of the system.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023


    This section will show you how to review your creative performance once it deploys.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023

    Admin - Manage Roles

    This is only available On Premise customers who are Admin Users. Here you are able to add additional user roles, to apply to users this is usually used alongside Role Campaigns.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023


    The section allows you to view the clicks for your campaign.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023

    Admin - Manage Approval Groups

    This page is only available when switched on at a customers request and then only to Admin Users of the Account.

    This is an approval feature available for campaigns that are sent from the system. Users of the system can be responsible for creating the campaign all the way to initiating, at which point it needs to be authorised by an approver before sending.

    Instead of the campaign being initiated, it's submitted for approval to a group of definable users. These approval users will receive an email alert that a campaign is ready. The campaign can be approved to be initiated, or rejected with feedback. The original user receives an email alert stating that feedback has been left for them to action.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023

    Admin - Enter Licence

    This is only relevant for on premise customers, browse for the licence file from your desktop to upload a new file.

  • Updated on: Jan 04, 2023

    Overview Screen