Sage CRM Quick Start Guide

1. Building the Group

1. Building the Group

1. Go to My CRM

2. Select Groups

3. New Group

1. Name your Group

2. Set Type (Static or Dynamic)

3. Set Entity to ‘Person’

4. Choose Source View of Person Group

5. Continue

(Your crm administrator should be able to help you identify the fields you should be using).

1. Select a column in the top left panel that you would to use in your query.

2. Add to search criteria

3. This will add the column to the Search Criteria panel.

4. Repeat the above for each column that should be added to your search and click continue

1. You will now need to add in your search terms on the next page.

2. Once complete click continue.

1. The query will then run and display the results.

2. Click on Save.

Creating the Campaign, Wave and Wave Activity

Creating the Campaign, Wave and Wave Activity

1. Go to Marketing

2. New Campaign

1. Name the campaign

2. Click Save.

1. Select New Wave

2. Name the Wave

3. Click Save

1. Select New Wave Activity

2. Name your Wave Activity (This will become the campaign name once passed into CommuniGator.

3. Select an ‘EMarketing’ Type (Most of the time this will be ‘Emarketing Static’)

4. Select the appropriate group.

5. Click Save

1. Go to Emarketing

2. Select Campaigns

3. You campaign will be added to the library with 5 minutes.


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