Templates - HTML Upload

Here you can import a HTML File into the product for use in templates, emails and landing zones.

Templates - HTML Upload

Templates - HTML Upload

1. Select a location to save the images to, the default is the main image folder however it is a good idea to use subfolders within the image manager.

2. Is this an Email or a Landing Zone, this will determine where the HTML file is uploaded to.

3. Is the HTML file a template? If so it will be uploaded to the relevant template section.

4. Do you want to make the links trackable, not doing will mean clicks are not recorded in the results of the campaign.

5. Do you wish to track the links in Google Analytics? Selecting this will apply the relevant UTM values to the links.

6. Are you uploading a zip file or from a URL?

7. Click here to select the file or URL.

8. Clear the selection made.

9. Enter the name of the Email or Landing Zone, this will appear in the Email/Landing Zone area.

10. Enter a description, this will appear in the Email/Landing Zone area.

11. Process the upload.


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