Events - Mandatory Fields

This article will provide you with a step by step guide on how to set the fields on your event booking form to mandatory.

Field Visibility

Field Visibility

Click on the Field Visibility tab in the event module of CommuniGator. This is the section where you select the fields that you would like to display on the booking form.

Enable Custom Validation

Enable Custom Validation

Tick this box if you want to enable custom validation for this event. If you enable custom validation, there is no default validation used for the booking form, which means you must set the validation for each field. If you require that booking field to be mandatory or to have additional validation, you must set up validation for each booking field. Below shows the validation you can assign to each different boAtrribute data type.

'Text' - Mandatory and DataType Validation

'Date' - Mandatory and DataType Validation

'Number' - Mandatory and DataType Validation

'DropDown' - Mandatory

'RadioButtonList' - Mandatory

'True/False' - None

Select Fields

Select Fields

Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will be presented with the booking fields custom validation section.


Apply Settings

Apply Settings

1) This box will provide you with a list of the fields that are included within the booking form, select the field that you would like to set as mandatory.

2) Enable Validation- Select the checkbox if you would like to enable validation- if you would like to set the field as mandatory you will need to ensure that the validation box is selected.

3) Set field as mandatory- If you would like to make the field mandatory please ensure that you have ticked the check box.

4) Set Mandatory Message- enter the text that you would like to enter as a mandatory message. When someone completes the form without including mandatory information, this is the message they will receive.

5) You also have the option to change the font colour by clicking on the drop-down next to the colour pallet.

6) Show required field symbol - Tick this box if you would like a * to appear at the end of each mandatory question select this box. This will make the person booking on the event aware that this field is mandatory.

7) Enable Data Type Validation- Set if you want the booking field to have additional data type validation (see point 7 for a description). 

8) Select data type validation- If you would like to enable the field to be validated select from the drop down list the validation criteria that you would like the field to meet. This is a good way to ensure that people insert genuine email addresses and phone numbers rather than "xxxxxx," for example. 

9) Set data type message- Set the data type validation message. You can also set font color of the message. This is the message that users will receive if they do not enter a valid email address, phone number, or whatever type of data you have set to be validated. An example could be, "please enter a valid email address." 

Once you have finished setting up the validation/mandatory field select Save validation.


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